9421 Highway 10 NW
Ramsey, MN 55303
We know that buying a boat is a personal experience. That’s why we take a personable approach to boat dealer purchases here at That Boat Center, your TRUSTED Boat dealer near me location in Chippewa Falls, WI and Ramsey, MN! We understand that each customer coming through our door has a different boat in mind, this is why our sales team starts the process by asking “what are you looking for in a boat?” And don’t worry, no matter what state you’re from we will help you find the boat you are looking for whether it be for your family, fishing trips or just pure recreation.
We have boats in all ranges like Phoenix boats built for anglers along with Skeeter Boats, Warrior Boats, Starcraft Boats, Ranger boats and much more! This means that we can offer many options along with financing options on your dream boat. If you are interested in a new boat talk with our finance team about long-term loan options!
We understand that life happens. Illness, divorce, and job loss can make it difficult to get the boat you want. At The Boat Center we have the ability to design a deal that will give you the best chance for approval, even in the case where others have failed. We will work to get you the best terms and rates available every time at our Boat dealer near me location!
We pride ourselves on the ability to offer highly competitive interest rates to our customers. We do not work with financial institutions that have prepayment penalties. Experience the best boat buying process at The Boat Center with our boat dealer financing at your local Boat dealer near me location!